1,000 Comments Unpublished

Excerpts From 1,000 Comments On YouTube & Social Media That Can Change the Course Of Black People's History & The Course Of
White People's History On This Planet Forever!   
Unpublished - Volume I:   Chapters 1 & 2





YouTube Comments 1 - 40


Real Solutions, Not Delusions & Incompetence

1.     What Black people need are real solutions to real problems because no one can save Black people from their own delusions of inclusion and no one can stop the overwhelming majority of Black people from being deceived by the Democratic Party that has turned millions of Black people living in America into surrogates, mental, social, economic, religious and political incompetents.  Currently, Black people have become willing participants in their own social, political, economic and racial or ethnic annihilation.  To change this, go to www.acdnac.org.


Black People Are Being Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge

2.     All anyone can really do is give our people directions to the waters of life to alleviate the thirst of ignorance that is ravaging and destroying millions of Black people worldwide because of the effect and impact the lack of knowledge has on one’s life. It is entirely up to the individual to decide whether or not he/she will partake of the waters of life to end forever his/her ignorance so he/she can stop himself/herself.  After all...my people are destroyed because of the lack of knowledge. There is no biblical or historical reference to being destroyed for lacking anything else.  What Black people lack is over at www.acdnac.org.


No Interest In Taking Care Of Black People In The 21st Century

3.     When it comes to the 21st Century, no provisions have been made or will be made for jobs, careers or sustenance for Black people. This is why we are now considered a liability and a threat.  All the other races, ethnic groups and nationalities that are coming to America are White people by definition, Eurasian or of Eastern heritage and they have no interest in taking care of us for another 100 years, 50 years, 25 years or even 5 years.  In addition, rioting, looting and burning will not be tolerated and this behavior that is expected will be used to justify the implementation of strict and potentially deadly retaliatory measures (Review the King Alfred Plan & Rex 84). Guidelines for a real future in the 21st Century can be found at www.acdnac.org.


Another Reason Why Black Lives No Longer Matter

4.     This is another reason why BLACK LIVES NO LONGER MATTER TO ANY GROUP SEEKING POWER AND INFLUENCE IN 21ST CENTURY AMERICA. The kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing Black people worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment) is a subject matter that is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or a Facebook or YouTube comment because of the in depth knowledge that is required.  If you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.


Black People Were Never Integrated Into American Society

5.     BLACK PEOPLE WERE NEVER INTEGRATED INTO AMERICAN SOCIETY AND WILL NEVER BE INTEGRATED INTO AMERICAN SOCIETY OR WESTERN OR EASTERN CIVILIZATION. FOR OVER 150 YEARS AFTER SLAVERY ENDED, WE HAVE SIMPLY BEEN TOLERATED. AT THE END OF 2016, TOLERATION WILL END.  What Black people need are real solutions to real problems because no ethnic group is going to stop Black people from being deceived. believing propaganda or living their lives in accordance with propaganda, from making fools of themselves or worshipping before the alter of White Supremacy, Oriental Supremacy, Jewish Supremacy or the Supremacy of any other dominant racial or ethnic group.  Real solutions can be found at www.acdnac.org.


Delusions & Deceived By The Democratic Party

6.     No ethnic group is going to save Black people from their own delusions of inclusion, from being deceived by the Democratic Party that has turned millions of Black people living in America into surrogates, mental, social, economic, religious and political incompetents and from being willing participants in their own  social, political, economic and racial or ethnic annihilation.  All we can really do is give our people directions to the waters of life. The best direction you can give is to www.acdnac.org.


The Waters Of Life

7.     The waters of life can effectively end that excruciating, painful and ravaging ignorance that is destroying millions of Black people worldwide because of the effect and impact the lack of knowledge has on one’s life. It is entirely up to the individual to decide whether or not he/she will partake of the waters of life to end forever his/her ignorance so he/she can stop himself / herself.  After all...my people are destroyed because of the lack of knowledge and perish because they have no vision. There is no biblical or historical reference to being destroyed or perishing from anything else. Why perish or be destroyed when what you need can be found at www.acdmac.org.


Dred Scott & The Maryland Doctrine Of Exclusion

8.     The Dred Scott Decision has never been reversed and there is no evidence the 1638 Maryland Doctrine of Exclusion has been repealed. Even if they were, there is no law that prevents them from being an unwritten code.  The majority of the other races, ethnic groups and nationalities that are coming to America are White people by definition and collectively they have demonstrated no interest in taking care of us for another 100 years, 50 years, 25 years or even 5 years. Based on this analysis, Black people must abandon obsolete ways of thinking, living and solving problems.  We must go boldly into the 21st Century with New Age Thinking that is rooted in sciences. We can take care of ourselves if we follow the guidelines at www.acdnac.org.


Subject Matter Not Conducive For Social Media

9.     Basically, based on biblical and historical evidence, a people can be destroyed for a lack of knowledge and perish for a lack of vision.  Therefore, the kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing Black people worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and Genuine Black Media) this subject matter is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or commenting on Facebook, YouTube or social media. Such a belief is a fool’s errand. The in depth knowledge that is required mandates discussions of the most serious kind.  Therefore, if you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to: www.acdnac.org.


The Real Leaders

10.     The real Frederick Douglass’, Marcus Garveys, Denmark Vesseys, François-Dominique Toussaint Louvertures and Nat Turners are not tweeting on Twitter or opining, whining and/or commenting on Facebook and/or YouTube. If you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.


Information Not Conducive For Social Media

11.    The kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing Black people worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment) this subject matter is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or a Facebook or YouTube comment because of the in depth knowledge that is required. If you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.


If We Want To Change

12.    If we want to change to change our pitiful status in America, we must utilize structures and ideologies that can deliver the desired results that are based on existing laws. We must engage in habits and renew the bonds  that have been abandoned for years.  We must learn how to organize, dump egos and work together to achieve common goals and objectives. I, Me and Myism are effectively dead and dysfunctional mindsets.  Therefore, the kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing us worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment) is a subject matter that is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or on Facebook or commenting on YouTube because of the in depth knowledge that is required. If you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our condition, position and future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.


Racism Is Not Black Folk’s Problem

13.    Racism is not Black folk’s problem. White supremacy is. If Black men and women sincerely want to change our pitiful status in America, we must utilize structures and ideologies that can deliver the desired results. Therefore, the kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing Black people worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment & Effective Black Media) is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or commenting on Facebook and/or YouTube because of the in depth knowledge that is required. If you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our condition, position and future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.


Dear Madam, I Enjoyed Your Reply

14.    Dear Madam, I enjoyed your reply. Genuine Economic Empowerment requires in depth and detailed discussions that are not suited for tweets or comments on YouTube. It requires the acquisition of new knowledge, skill sets, and mindsets. A major Economic Empowerment Project in the Black community is already underway.  The likes of which the Black community has not seen, known or experienced in over 1,200 years.  However, pursuant to federal law, we must send you information to review.  You must have the documents in your hands, postage prepaid, to the physical address of record. During the interim, review the Companies Act. The information is online. The Act has been updated many times since 1834 A.D. Therefore, it does not matter which update to the Act you review.  However, I recommend any update after 1919 A.D. Before this, however, if you are serious...and only if you are serious about moving our people and our children into the 21st Century, go to www.acdnac.org.


This Is Basically A Continuation Of An Earlier Reply

15.    This is basically a continuation of an earlier reply. Here, I will address the question raised. Black people will never be equal or accepted by Whites as equals because of an ingrained Master and Servant mindset, as well as, the 1638 Maryland Doctrine of Exclusion.  Black people currently are an obsolete workforce and no race on the planet will take care of us for another 100 years and there is no mandate to accept us. 

        This is why the veil of inclusion will vanish in the 21st Century and all delusions of inclusion will be destroyed forever. Therefore, Black people worldwide must begin the process of abandoning obsolete ways of thinking for a much more dynamic way of thinking and living.  New attitudes and conceptualizations are mandatory.... not elective or selective. After 1,200 years of enslavement, (750 A.D. to 2007 A.D. - see Mauritania) the "Slave Mentality" exhibited by huge segments of the Black population worldwide is an understandable by-product; as well as, an understandable handicap.

        This is why ACDNAC stresses self education and not more indoctrination.  New infrastructures and substructures are already developed and ready for implementation on a worldwide basis. You can be instrumental as a liaison to enlighten us with your insights.  Based on what I have heard and read, you seem to be an extremely intelligent woman. Therefore grasping multi-dimensional reality concepts, the scientific process for problem solving and strategy development should not be a problem for a lady of your considerable talents and abilities; especially when see what’s at www.acdnac.org.


The Psychological Baggage Of Corrupt Mysticism & Religiosity

16.    Precisely Madam, this is why Genuine Economic Empwerment is not a topic for discussion in YouTube comments, Twitter tweets or for a call in radio show. I also appreciate your caution and skepticism. Nothing excites me more than a well thought out question and skepticism. In parting, begin the process of expanding your thinking beyond any current self-imposed, mass induced imposed or any other intellectual limitation.  To build a viable stable social structure, economic systems, to have and maintain proper governance and a growing and developing society, requires more courage, talent and skill than most can possibly imagine.

        In addition, when you consider the kaleidoscopic mindsets currently existing in the Black community worldwide and the 1,200 year tragedy of living in and being at the bottom of Western and Eastern Civilization socially, politically and economically and with being handicapped by the psychological baggage of corrupted mysticism, religiosity, cultural indoctrination and spirituality, your skepticism is well taken.  However, if we, as a people, want to progress at light speed, every Black person must have the knowledge to build a nation not just a community.

        Hence, the need for advanced thinking concepts that encapsulates all the elements of a modern high tech society. This includes politics; as well as, the arts and sciences. Therefore,  it is well to investigate thoroughly what I call the 4 pillars of Western and Eastern Civilizations: MASTERY OF THE SCIENCE OF ECONOMICS, THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF SCIENCE, THE SCIENCE OF SOCIETAL ORGANIZATION TO ENFORCE SYSTEMS, LAWS AND THE STANDARDS OF CONDUCT.  I will leave it up to you to discover the 4th pillar. A trip to www.acdnac.org will help.


All Civilizations Are Based On The Same Principles

17.    Contrary to generally accepted beliefs, all civilizations are based on the same principles. In fact, until the sciences are mastered, your society will be underdeveloped, simplistic, rather primitive and virtually defenseless. To date, there are over 600 arts and sciences. You must also remember, or rather consider, the undeniable fact, that every person born on the African continent is an African by birth. Therefore, laying claims to a continent and the history of a continent does little to validate one's past or ancestry. Believe it or not, the effects and use of the 4th pillar of all civilizations is in the news constantly. and you have already referred to it in your own videos. In the meantime, why not go on over to www.acdnac.org.


Shakaama There Is A Category Of Stocks Very Few Know About

18.    Shakaama there is a category of stocks that very few people in America know about and strategies that very few people are aware of. It is this category of stock that I cannot reveal in this post. The reason: This venue is not conducive to discussing these matters. As a matter of fact, when you see... this stock category.... and then realize.... it has been around for years, you just might faint when you come to the inescapable conclusion that is written into federal law. and your ownership interest in a corporation is protected against loss for an extended period of time.  However, as stated, this matter must be discussed in private. In addition, you have no idea how close you are to changing the destiny of Black people worldwide forever. In fact, this video will be used as an educational tool. You also have no idea how close you are to being one of 500 new Black millionaires.  However, to be considered worthy to become one of these millionaires is a matter that must be decided by a Board of Directors, shareholders and a Corporation’s Standing Committee if it has one. To gauge your level of interest and sincerity, increase your curiosity and heightened your desire to research information presented to you in a public forum so that you can review and research this information and know it is true for yourself, go on over to www.acdnac.org. This will give you some background information. Thank you.


Black Lives Do Matter To Me & The 4 Pillars Of Civilization

19.     Since time is of the essence and Black Lives Do Matter To Me, this post is going to be longer than the usual comment Black Internet users are accustomed to reading. For reasons that will be stated hereinafter, frankly, despite the risks, I have no other readily available venue for this message. Fully 99.99% of the people that use the Internet to express themselves, have no idea why the masses were given access to this technology.  This is another matter for private discussions and not for a tweet or a public commentary. In the meantime, research the history of the Internet for yourself. Back to the reasons for this long and necessary post. In our current condition and position, Black people will never be equal to… or accepted by Whites or by any other group as equals (Review the writings of the Bishop of Hippo for an even greater understanding).  WE WERE NEVER INTEGRATED INTO AMERICAN SOCIETY AND WILL NEVER BE INTEGRATED INTO AMERICAN SOCIETY, NOT EVEN IN THE 21ST CENTURY.

        For over 150 years, we have simply been tolerated (1865-2016). The Reasons: Since the 17th Century, America has been a growing and developing country that needed a cheap long term and self reproducing labor force that had no relationship to its need to industrialize, or to its technological and manufacturing development. Black people can trash their widely held and ridiculous mythology that America’s wealth is built on the backs of Black people. Except for being a cheap labor force and contrary to Black people’s widely held beliefs, America’s wealth has nothing to do with us. America’s wealth is due to its mastery of what I call THE FOUR PILLARS OF CIVILIZATION. 

       These 4 Pillars are a consistent pattern that are thousands of years old. (Review Ancient History & the History of Civilizations). The first Pillar is the mastery of the science of economics (capital creation, trade, finance and commerce). Cheap labor; especially human slavery, was essential to maximizing profits under the ancient systems; as well as, under Mercantilism and its twin brother, Capitalism. In the 21st Century, cheap labor by human beings will not be necessary or dramatically reduced.  Machines can now reproduce themselves when the parts are placed on a computer controlled and automated assembly line.

      The second Pillar is the practical application of science and technology. This includes the creation, production and manufacturing of   consumer goods and capital goods and the necessary infrastructure and services to support and maintain them. The practical application of science and technology also includes the devastating, practical and effective use of the science of psychology to control, direct, deceive or mislead  internal and external population groups. In modern times, the same techniques are called propaganda.  The third Pillar is the mastery of the sciences of societal organization that includes creating territories, regions, provinces or states and establishing governing systems, laws, rules and regulations, building, organizing, controlling and establishing judicial, political, social, educational and religious institutions.  This Pillar also includes controlling knowledge, information, the sciences and technology themselves and effectively policing, maintaining and enforcing the agreed upon standards of conduct. The controlling aspects of this third Pillar led to a need for secrecy and secret groups.

       The fourth and final Pillar is the mastery of the sciences of militarization, warfare and weapons technology for defensive and offensive purposes. Any group of people that masters the 4 Pillars of Civilization will have the same wealth and power as America or will be able to compete with America economically and politically, if not militarily. Hence, the need for America’s real leaders to display the symbols of the ancient sciences and technology that are all around us and do it at every conceivable opportunity.  These same symbols of the past are all over Europe and England and can be seen in ancient civilizations all over the world. 

      These symbols; that are virtually everywhere you look, are America’s message and proof to the world that they are masters of civilization.  Any group of people that fails to master any one of the 4 Pillars can be exploited, enslaved, crushed militarily or simply annihilated like so many have been throughout history.  The same fate will befall any group that fails to maintain the 4 Pillars in their entirety. Hence, the rise and fall of civilizations.  Based on this analysis, it becomes clear how Black people were easily enslaved, colonized and exploited even in Africa.   

      America’s wars and growth will not be happening at the same rate in the 21st Century.  Robotic technology, advanced manufacturing systems and super science have eliminated the need for Black people being and staying in America and for our cheap labor. (2016 & Beyond). It would also be helpful to remind everyone reading this long post, that the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott Decision has never been reversed and the 1638 Maryland Doctrine of Exclusion has never been officially repealed  The so-called Emancipation Proclamation that reportedly freed Black people, simply transferred and made  millions of Black people (free or slave) the property of the Federal government.

       Since we were the property of the Federal government and even though the South wanted to maintain our status as property, the Republicans changed our status from property to persons with the 13th Amendment and protected us with the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. (Review the history of America after the Civil War: 1865-1965). The recipients of the Civil Rights movement (1964-2016) and this entire generation will have the last true Black middle class as a population group (1968-2016). Unlike Black Wall Street, (Look it up), this group will eventually die out and their children will be phased out over time. This is the primary reason why so many institutionalized Black people are so apathetic when it comes to Economic Empowerment and doing for self. They literally have no idea of the historical forces at work.

       This group includes all welfare recipients (Single Black mothers and their children - Review Europe’s & England’s Bastard Laws) and Black government employees at all levels and in all institutions or corporations, politicians, preachers, professionals, athletes, entertainers and their children. However, unless immediate steps are taken, as for as their children are concerned and especially the grandchildren of this Civil Rights generation are concerned, their future is rather bleak. All they can look forward to are prisons, work camps or workhouses  (Review England’s Poor Laws) and systematic removal from developing areas (Review the King Alfred Plan, Rex 84, the History of Planned Parenthood & the Caveat in the13th Amendment).

       As already stated, the reason why all this is happening now is because Black people are an obsolete workforce (we have been officially replaced by Latinos/Hispanics & others) and are no longer needed. We have served our purpose and usefulness to the general society and our services are not needed by any other group.  Hence, the encouragement of Blacks to remain functional illiterates, become thugs or gangstas (Review the history of Hip Hop and Gangsta Rap) and remain backward religiously and intellectually regardless of how religious, smart and/or articulate you might seem to yourself and/or to others, many are well below the norm.  The profits that were being made off our lives from birth to the grave have turned into deficits (Review the 22 trillion dollar cost of America’s Anti-Poverty Programs). .

       Since no provisions are being made or will be made for jobs, careers or sustenance for Black people in the 21st  Century, this is why we are now considered a liability and a threat to the long term peace, stability and to the internal security of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. (Look it up) and to the United States of America.  All the other races, ethnic groups and nationalities that are coming to America are White people by definition, Eurasian or of Eastern heritage and they have no interest in taking care of us for another 100 years, 50 years, 25 years or even 5 years. (Review the 1965 Immigration & Nationality Act) And..spending another 22 trillion is not going to happen.

       In addition, rioting, looting and burning will not be tolerated and this behavior... that is expected... will be used to justify the implementation of strict and potentially deadly retaliatory measures (Review the King Alfred Plan & Rex 84). This is another reason why BLACK LIVES NO LONGER MATTER TO ANY GROUP SEEKING POWER AND INFLUENCE IN 21ST CENTURY AMERICA. The above stated reasons and hundreds more make it an imperative and a mandate for Black people worldwide to begin the process of abandoning our Obsolete, Dysfunctional and Linear Thinking that is Self Limiting and Self Destructive, in all its varied forms.

       Black people must replace obsolete thinking with thinking that is a much more dynamic way of thinking, living and problem solving. It’s insanity to believe the same thinking and decision making constructs that got us into this predicament can be used to get us out of it. New attitudes and conceptualizations are mandatory,  not elective or selective. After 1,200 years of enslavement, (750 A.D. to 2007 A.D. - see the Arab/Muslim Slave Trade & Mauritania) the "Slave Mentality", “Meritorious Manumission” and the “Sambo-Quimbo Syndrome”(Re-read Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Uncle Tom was a righteous man, even in death, not so for Sambo and Quimbo) that allowed millions of Black people to survive in the past and are the primary reasons why so many Black people are afflicted with the delusion of inclusion, are now detrimental mindsets for our grandchildren to rely on.

       To deal with these matters in a constructive, comprehensive and in an intelligent manner, require private discussions, not public comments on Twitter, Facebook  or Youtube. The advent of the Internet and its applications literally forces anyone with a serious message to communicate with large groups publically.  Consequently, if you are serious...and only if you are serious about moving our people and our children into the 21st century and beyond, go to www.acdnac.org


People Are Not Rewarded For Being Slaves, Not Even In The Bible

20.     First of all, there is no historical evidence that people are rewarded or given reparations for being slaves. Slavery is not condemned in any Biblical text. Second: Over the past 50 years, 22 trillion dollars have been spent on antipoverty programs.  Third:  The Homestead Act and the enslavement of primarily melaninated people have nothing to do with America's wealth. America can fire every Black person tomorrow, throw millions off welfare and America would be richer as a direct result of that act. Fourth:  All stable cultures for thousands of years are based on FREE ENTERPRISE (mercantilism, capitalism and genuine fascism not predatory capitalism or Mussolini styled fascism).

         Fifth:  The only activity that has kept America from collapsing economically is a little known or talked about economic reality that's generating major cash flow and a second economy and there are few if any Black people in it and millions of Black people do not even know it exist.  I'll give you a BIG HINT:  Examine what is the real success behind ebay, PayPal and Amazon. When you figure it out, you'll understand Trump's election, the upcoming revelations that will be many and the changes coming down the pike in the near future. None of this is good for Black people in America, unless we follow the outline that's over at www.acdnac.org.


Your Sermon Or Lecture Parallels Malcolm X’s Speeches

21.     Pastor Hagins, I have heard many of your sermons or lectures and this one, (Who Loses, If Blacks Win) is at the top.  Your sermon or lecture parallels Malcolm X's speeches, Elijah Muhammad's "Message to the Black man in America", Booker T. Washington's "Another class of Coloured People", Baldwin's "Fire Next Time", and even some modern day thinkers like Dr. Amos Wilson, Dr. Umar Johnson, Dr. Claud Anderson, Jason Black, Professor Black Truth, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Yosef-Ben Jochannan and many, many more that are known and unknown. Your sermon or lecture also parallels everything that is written at www.acdnac.org. Stop by when time permits.


I See You Have Done A Detailed Analysis

22.     Clinton Lewis, I see you have done a detailed analysis and realize expanding Black owned enterprises and institutions would be beneficial to America and the world. The problem is millions of Black people are stuck in a failed socialistic philosophy that has no historical equivalent that is successful.  To be honest, if Black people succeeded in this undertaking, the black underclass would disappear. However, so many need Black people to stay in our current condition because millions of dollars, in fact, billions are being made off our modern subservient condition. Your comment is much appreciated, because it proves my point.


Black People Must Focus On Amassing Wealth

23.      An accurate analysis. Black people must focus on amassing wealth, not just currency. WHY? In a debt based economic system, the more currency you have, unless it is earning interest, the less it is worth. In America, currency is not money (gold and silver coins) they are notes that are used as legal tender for the payment of debts private and domestic. Don't believe it? Look on your currency for proof.  Therefore, what people are chasing is more debt and not wealth. For more on wealth, how to get it for real and its true meaning (the state of good fortune, welfare or happiness) go to www.acdnac.org.


Black People Must Abandoned Obsolete Ways Of Thinking

24.     It an imperative and a mandate for Black people worldwide to begin the process of abandoning their Obsolete, Dysfunctional and Linear Thinking that is Self Limiting and Self Destructive, in all its varied forms, and replacing it with a much more dynamic way of thinking, living and problem solving. It’s insanity to believe the same thinking and decision making constructs that got us into this predicament can be used to get us out of it. New attitudes and conceptualizations are mandatory,  not elective or selective.  After 1,200 years of enslavement, (750 A.D. to 2007 A.D. - see the Arab/Muslim Slave Trade & Mauritania) the "Slave Mentality", “Meritorious Manumission” and the “Sambo-Quimbo Syndrome”(Re-read Uncle Tom’s Cabin. 

         Uncle Tom was a righteous man, even in death, not so for Sambo and Quimbo) that allowed millions of Black people to survive in the past and are the primary reasons why so many Black people are afflicted with the delusions of inclusion, are now a death sentence for our children.  To deal with these matters in a constructive, comprehensive and in an intelligent manner, require private discussions, not public comments on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube.  The advent of the Internet and its applications literally forces anyone with a serious message to communicate with large groups publically.  Consequently, if you are serious...and only if you are serious about moving our people and our children into the 21st Century with all the necessary systems in place to sustain us for generations to come, go to www.acdnac.org


White People Are Not Racist, They Are White Supremacist & Have Consistently Demonstrated They Are Resourceful & Intelligent

25.     Since so many Black people are always comparing themselves to, talking about or complaining about White people, this post is going to upset millions of Black people and Liberal Whites. First of all White people do not have a racist or colonist system currently operating in America in the truest sense of the words. Black people have already been colonized in Africa, America and around the world. What they have and maintain is a system of White Supremacy.  White people never said; at any time in 1,200 years, that they would love, want, desire, be with, live next to, give to or share power with Black people. Black people have deluded themselves since slavery was officially abolished and created the myth of integration in the 1960s.

         White people said they would desegregate or give us more access and that's exactly what they did.   They not only gave us more access, they also increased and expanded the ways and means by which they can get more money from us on a daily basis and put laws in place to support the access they agreed to.  They have successfully done this.  We were given jobs in their factories, plants and government at all levels and allowed into their schools, colleges and businesses just to name a few.  They get all their money back when we buy their products, use their services, sleep in their motels, go to their movie theaters and take cruises on their ships, etc. I am sure you get the point.

         White people have consistently demonstrated they are resourceful and intelligent, while many Black people have consistently demonstrated they are not the sharpest knife in the drawer and rarely ever play with a full deck.  In fact, millions of Black people; on a daily basis, demonstrate to the world that they can be downright stupid.  Go to YouTube.  Whites can be stupid also.  The kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing us worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and a Genuine Black Media) is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or commenting on YouTube or Facebook.   What is needed is in depth knowledge, skill and intelligent discussion of the most serious kind.  Therefore, if you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.


Why Naturalized And Legal Latinos Voted For Trump

26.     Latinos turned out to vote for Trump because they have no desire to turn America into the same Banana Republic they left.  They want America to remain an economic engine of prosperity for them and their children. Many Black people that are supposed to be Christians want America to be a Nanny State in which they can maximize comfort or convenience with little or no effort.  This is totally against the Christian work ethic.  Black Christians that want a Nanny State and White people that want to return to their pagan ways or to being Neo-Druids with ritualistic living, have supported corrupt and morally bankrupt Liberals for years to the detriment of themselves and an entire nation. Look at the people demonstrating against Trump. What have they built?  What technology have they developed? What systems have they implemented under the Democrats and maintained?  Liberals and Democrats control the slums, ghettos, poor schools, most of the media, colleges, tech schools or universities and every collapsing system America has known. For an even greater education, go to  www.acdnac.org.


If We Want To Change Our Pitiful Status In America

27.     If we want to change our pitiful status in America, we must utilize structures and ideologies that can deliver the desired results.  Therefore, the kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing Black people worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and a Genuine Black Media) is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or commenting on YouTube or Facebook.   Real knowledge, skills and abilities are required along with intelligent discussions of the most serious kind. Therefore, if you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our condition, position and future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.


When Are Black People Going To Come Out Of Ignorance?

28.     When are Black people going to come out of ignorance, backwardness and in many instances abject stupidity?  White people never said they would love us, want to be with us or need us. All they ever told us in the 1960s is they would Desegregate..that is give us access to jobs, education, careers, their general society and their government services and agencies. They did that. What did we do with our increased access to jobs and money?   Retrogressed to the state we are in now.  More is over at www.acdnac.org.


Whites, Orientals And Others Must Maintain Civilizations, Black Men Have Difficulty Maintaining Our Own Neighborhoods

29.     For over 50 years, Black people have somehow deluded themselves into believing desegregation meant equality. Whites, Orientals, Hispanics and others must build civilizations. Modern Black men cannot even maintain a neighborhood and building a civilization is out the question.  The overwhelming majority of Black men do not have enough guts or courage for that. Whites, Orientals and others have a responsibility to maintain their civilizations and everything within them for their own people and future generations not for Black people. We must mature and accept the responsibility for our own growth and development.  A trip to www.acdnac.org will be helpful.


Black People Own Nothing Major In America

30.  Right now Black people own nothing major in America, are build nothing major in America or anywhere else and go online and talk about nothing. Millions of Black people depend on Whites and Orientals to maintain their technology for Black people to use and complain about them on. 99% of Black people spend 99% of their free time in trivial pursuits that build absolutely nothing. 99% of Black people depend on White people for everything, while they do little or nothing for themselves or to organize themselves to accomplish major goals and objectives.  Whenever Whites stop doing for Blacks, Blacks call them racist. The historical meaning of Racist  is colonizer. So when Whites say they are not racist, they are speaking the truth. Whites have not physically colonized in over 60 years. For more truth, go to www.acdnac.org.


Black People And Many Neo-Druids

31.     What Black people and many Neo-Druids (Liberal Whites who want to officially return to paganism) call racism or colonization is really White Supremacy, Oriental Supremacy, Hispanic Supremacy, etc. Black people being at the bottom of all of these societies chase dollars or income, while all the other groups amass wealth to maintain their civilizations for future generations. If we want to change our pitiful status in America and amass wealth for future generations, we must utilize structures and ideologies that can deliver the desired results that are based on existing laws.

          Therefore, the kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing Black people worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and a Genuine Black Media) is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or commenting on YouTube or Facebook. Real knowledge, skills and abilities are required along with intelligent discussions of the most serious kind. Therefore, if you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our condition, position and future in America and on this planet for real and forever, or go to www.acdnac.org.


With The Exception of Yvette Carnell, Merkabah, Shakaama, Jason Black & Several More......

32.     Right now; Black people own nothing, build nothing major and go online and talk about nothing major; except for Merkabah, David Carroll, Shakaama, Yvette Carnell, Boyce Watkins, Jason Black, Professor Black Truth, E.T. Williams, Alphonzo Rachel, Pastor Ray Hagins, Cynthia G., Jenni Rren, Pastor David Manning, Elder Rashon Delay, Pastor Dowell, Mentellect,  Dr. Umar Johnson, Dr. Claud Anderson, Phil Valentine and a handful of others,  many Black consciousness YouTube channels are empty and devoid of any intelligent conversation or discussion. If you want genuine discussion of the issues that will help Black people, you must got to www.acdnac.org.


So Called White Haters Depend On Whites & Others

33.     The so called haters of White Supremacy on YouTube channels cannot manufacture a button, underwear or toilet paper and must depend on Whites and Orientals to maintain technology that they developed.  Black people now use the Internet and YouTube to complain about White people and curse White people because Whites and others demand Black people do for self and build legal structures like the associations and new age corporations that are being discussed at www.acdnac.org.


99% Of Black People Spend 99% Of Their Free Time In Trivial Pursuits

34.     99% of Black people spend 99% of their free time in trivial pursuits that build absolutely nothing. 99% of Black people depend on White people for everything, while we do little or nothing for ourselves or organize ourselves to accomplish major goals and objectives. Whenever Whites stop doing for Blacks, the majority of Black people call them racist." Racist means colonizer. So when Whites say they are not racist, they are speaking the truth. Whites have not physically colonized in over 60 years. For more truth, go to www.acdnac.org.


White People And Others Do Not Use Money To Divide Black People

35.     Contrary. White people and others do not use money to divide Black people. Divide and conquer is a tactical strategy to weaken an enemy by his/her own hand. Money's true meaning is the coinage or minting of gold and silver coins. In modern society, gold and silver coins have been replaced with currency and/or credit cards. Gold or silver coins are no longer used. After slavery and to this present day, as, Black people, we divide ourselves.  There are many reasons for this that would turn this comment into a book.  However, a number of reasons can be found at www.acdnac.org.


Black People That Want A Nanny State

36.     Black people that want a Nanny State have supported corrupt and morally bankrupt Liberals and Democrats for years to the detriment of themselves and an entire nation. If we want to change our pitiful status in America, we must utilize structures and ideologies that can deliver the desired results. Therefore, the kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing us worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and a Genuine Black Media) is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or commenting on YouTube or Facebook.  Real knowledge, skills and abilities are required along with intelligent discussions of the most serious kind. Therefore, if you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our condition, position and future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.


Would Black People Please! Please! Stop Using The Word Racist

37.     WOULD BLACK PEOPLE PLEASE! PLEASE! STOP USING THE WORD RACIST! ALL YOU ARE DOING IS TELLING THE WORLD THE EXTENT OF YOUR BRAINWASHING! A racist is a colonizer.  When Whites say they are not racist, they are speaking the truth. Whites have not physically colonized in over 60 years. “99% of Black people spend 99% of their free time in trivial pursuits that build absolutely nothing. 99% of Black people depend on White people for everything, while we do little or nothing for ourselves or organize ourselves to accomplish major goals and objectives. Whenever Whites stop doing for Blacks, a majority of Black people call them "racist."  Black people that want a Nanny State and White people that want to return to their pagan ways or to Neo-Druidism and ritualistic living, have supported corrupt and morally bankrupt Democrats and Liberals for years to the detriment of themselves and an entire nation.

          If we want to change our pitiful status in America, we must utilize structures and ideologies that can deliver the desired results. Therefore, the kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing Black people worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and a Genuine Black Media) is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or commenting on YouTube or Facebook. Real knowledge, skills and abilities are required along with intelligent discussions of the most serious kind. Therefore, if you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our condition, position and future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.


Black People Need To Understand Markets

38.     Black people need to understand the difference between niche markets, local, state, regional, national and international markets and the various subdivisions within them.  Me earning money online, means nothing to anyone else.  My success, cannot be translated to someone else. Using my system also has limitations for someone else. Therefore, the kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing us worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and Genuine Black Media) this subject matter is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or commenting on Facebook, YouTube or social media.  Such a belief is a fool’s errand.  The in depth knowledge that is required mandates discussions of the most serious kind. Therefore, if you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.


In The 21st Century, Unless Serious Mindset Changes Are Made, Black Lives Will No Longer Matter

39.     BLACK PEOPLE NEED TO UNDERSTAND BLACK LIVES NO LONGER MATTER TO ANY ETHNIC GROUP SEEKING POWER AND INFLUENCE IN 21ST CENTURY AMERICA. THESE NEW AMERICANS OWE BLACK PEOPLE NOTHING. Black people worldwide must begin the process of abandoning our Obsolete, Dysfunctional and Linear Thinking that is Self Limiting and Self Destructive, in all their varied forms, and replacing them with a much more dynamic way of thinking, living and problem solving. It’s insanity to believe the same thinking and decision making constructs that got us into this predicament can be used to get us out of it.

          New attitudes and conceptualizations are mandatory,  not elective or selective. After 1,200 years of enslavement, the "Slave Mentality", “Meritorious Manumission” and the “Sambo-Quimbo Syndrome” that allowed millions of Black people to survive in the past are detrimental for our grandchildren in the 21st Century. To deal with these matters in a constructive, comprehensive and in an intelligent manner, requires private discussions, not public comments on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube. To do so...is a fool’s errand. If you are serious...and only if you are serious about moving our people and our children into the 21st Century with all the necessary systems in place to sustain us for generations to come, go to www.acdnac.org.


Stop Telling The World How Brainwashed You Are By White Liberals

40.     STOP TELLING THE WORLD HOW BRAINWASHED YOU ARE BY WHITE LIBERALS.  White liberals and Democrats use Black people as a voting block to promote another agenda that is detrimental to our long term aspirations, goals or aims.  Whenever Whites stop doing for Blacks, many call them racist." A Nanny State will place Black people in a permanent underclass with no hope of leaving or getting out. If we want to change their pitiful status in America, we must utilize structures and ideologies that can deliver the desired results that are based on existing laws.

          Therefore, the kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing Black people worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and a Genuine Black Media) is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or commenting on YouTube or Facebook. Real knowledge, skills and abilities are required along with intelligent discussions of the most serious kind. Therefore, if you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our condition, position and future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.





YouTube Comments 41-80


Traveling Man Your Words Are True

41.  Traveling man your words are true, like many that commented on this page. I was struck by the fact that you used the term "Negro". Malcolm Little aka Malcolm X stated, "Negro means dead Black." You are also right about the fact; no one takes "Negro" men seriously, not even entertainers. The facts show, with the exception of Dick Gregory, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee and a few others, many have done little to uplift our people. However, that's no reason to complain. We must uplift ourselves by our own efforts, with our own desire to rise up from physical slavery, psychological slavery and all other forms of it. This squandering away of billions of dollars on trinkets and depreciating commodities must change. The process of meaningful change is already in motion. If time permits, go over to www.acdnac.org. The journey of lifetime is over there. That is, if you want to go where no Black man has been since 750 A.D.


Toleration Is Officially Over By December 31, 2016, Black People Must Sink Or Swim With Little Or No Help From Whites Or Others

42.     FOR OVER 150 YEARS AFTER PHYSICAL SLAVERY ENDED, BLACK PEOPLE HAVE SIMPLY BEEN TOLERATED AND PLACED IN PSYCHOLOGICAL AND POLITICAL SLAVERY. AT THE END OF 2016, TOLERATION IS OVER. WE MUST SINK OR SWIM WITH LITTLE OR NO HELP FROM WHITES OR OTHERS. What we need are real solutions to real problems because no ethnic group is going to stop us  from being willful idiots, denigrating ourselves, believing propaganda or living our lives in accordance with propaganda, from making fools of ourselves or worshiping before the alter of White Supremacy, Oriental Supremacy, Hispanic/Latino Supremacy or the Supremacy of any other dominant racial or ethnic group. No ethnic group is going to save us from our own delusions of inclusion, petrification, stagnation, lack of productivity or from being deceived and misused by White or other Liberal Democrats.

          All we can really do is give our people directions to the waters of life. The waters of life can effectively end that excruciating, painful and ravaging ignorance that is  destroying millions of Black people worldwide because of the effect and impact the lack of knowledge has on one’s life. It is entirely up to the individual to decide whether or not he/she will partake of the waters of life to end forever his/her ignorance so he/she can stop himself / herself.  After all...my people are destroyed because of the lack of knowledge and perish because they have no vision. There is no biblical or historical reference to being destroyed or perishing from anything else.  After 2016, we are on our own and we will survive or perish by the decisions we make today. 

          The 21st Century will not be like 20th. If we want to change our pitiful status in America, we must utilize structures and ideologies that can deliver the desired results that are based on existing laws. Therefore, the kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing Black people worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and a Genuine Black Media) is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or commenting on YouTube or Facebook. Any attempt to discuss these serious matters in a YouTube comment, a Twitter tweet or on Facebook is a fool's errand. Real knowledge, skills and abilities are required along with intelligent discussions of the most serious kind. Therefore, if you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our condition, position and future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.


Black People Need White People For Almost Everything, White People Do Not Need Black People For Anything

43.     If the truth be told...and it will be written in this comment, Black people need White people for almost everything from cell phones to home loans, while White people do not need Black people for anything. Black people’s greatest unspoken fear is White people will stop doing. If Whites stop doing, the vast majority of educated Black people and institutionalized Black people would probably commit suicide and the rest on welfare and government assistance would literally die from inaction.  Only a handful would come together, like those in Intelligent Black Society, work together, develop new systems and technologies that would insure our long term survival as a race. 

          Therefore, the kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing Black people worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and a Genuine Black Media) is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or commenting on YouTube or Facebook. Such an undertaking would be a fool’s errand.  Real knowledge, skills and abilities are required along with intelligent private discussions of the most serious kind. Therefore, if you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our condition, position and future in America and on this planet for real and forever, go to www.acdnac.org.


Modern African Society Is Just As Dysfunctional As Modern African American Society

44.     LET'S FACE SOME FACTS. The vast majority of modern African society is just as dysfunctional as the vast majority of African American society in the United States and everywhere else on this planet.  Black people worldwide must begin the process of abandoning their Obsolete, Dysfunctional and Linear Thinking that is Self Limiting and Self Destructive, in all their varied forms, and replace them with a much more dynamic way of thinking, living and problem solving.  It’s insanity to believe the same thinking and decision making constructs that got us into this predicament can be used to get us out of it.

          New attitudes and conceptualizations are mandatory,  not elective or selective. After 1,200 years of enslavement, the "Slave Mentality", “Meritorious Manumission” and the “Sambo-Quimbo Syndrome” that allowed millions of Black people to survive in the past are now detrimental for our children to rely on in the 21st Century.  To deal with these matters in a constructive, comprehensive and in an intelligent manner, requires private discussions, not public comments on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube. To do so...is a fool’s errand. Consequently, if you are serious...and only if you are serious about moving our people and our children into the 21st Century with all the necessary systems in place to sustain us for generations to come, go to www.acdnac.org.


Every Black Woman In The World Needs To Read This Post

45.     EVERY BLACK WOMAN IN THE WORLD NEEDS TO READ THIS POST. UNLESS WE MAKE DRASTIC CHANGES TO OUR MINDSETS, WE ARE FINISHED AS AN ETHNIC GROUP AND RACE IN WESTERN CIVILIZATION.  ALL THE NATIONALITIES, ETHNIC GROUPS AND/OR PEOPLE THAT ARE COMING TO AMERICA TODAY OWE US NOTHING AND HAVE NO INTEREST IN TAKING CARE OF US WITH JOBS, CAREERS, POSITIONS, TITLES OR SUSTENANCE FOR THE NEXT 100 YEARS, 50 YEARS, 25 YEARS OR EVEN 5 YEARS.  THEY DON’T CARE HOW MUCH EDUCATION, TALENT OR HOW MANY DEGREES WE HAVE.  Either we build now or perish in the 21st Century. Black men had every conceivable opportunity to build in the last 50 years and do something for themselves and their children and did absolutely nothing except retrogress into intellectual backwardness. Black women have a narrow window to change this now and create a future for your children.  For more information on how to move forward in the 21st Century and beyond, go to www.acdnac.org.


All Anyone Can Do On Social Media Is Talk


          Either we organize and start building  now or our children will perish in the 21st Century.  Black men had every conceivable opportunity to build in the last 50 years and to do something for themselves and their children and they did absolutely nothing except retrogress into intellectual backwardness.  Black women have a narrow window of opportunity of 5 years or less to change our direction and create a future for our children, our communities and our people.  For more information on how to move ourselves, our children, our communities and our people forward into the 21st Century and beyond, go to www.acdnac.org.


Queen What You Stated Is True

47.     Queen what you stated is true.   However, we must analyze why this is true.  The last thing an enslaver or colonizer wants are people organizing against them.  The historical meaning of Racists is colonizer.  Therefore, thought seeds were planted that have matured into what we are experiencing today.  Once this is known, we must, overtly or covertly, adopt a counter strategy to diminish its effects or neutralize the effect entirely.  This can be done by admitting it.  Once admission takes place on a large enough scale, more Black people will... out of necessity...change.  Black women like you and many others that are awake and alive, must not forget, millions are asleep and mentally dead.  There is no incentive for Whites or anyone else to wake up millions of dead minded Black people.  Those of us that are awake must arouse the sleepers and resurrect the dead minded by whatever means necessary.  A process is already in motion to accomplish these objectives.  When you get time, go over to www.acdnac.org. 


Social Media Cannot Build Neighborhoods or Communities

48.     Black people have literally been enslaved since 750 A.D. Presently, Western and Eastern Civilizations are organizing for the 21st Century. Hence, every Black Woman in the world needs to read this post. Basically, social media is a talk, picture and/or video show and/or forum that has its place and purpose and will continue to be needed as a venue. However, these forums cannot build neighborhoods or communities. This must be done offline in private discussions that require documentation and legal structure.  To start the discussion, go to www.acdnac.org.


Our Communities And Children Have No Future In America

49.     Unless millions of Black women and a few good men change their mindset and focus, our communities and children have no future in America and Western and Eastern Civilizations.  All the nationalities and/or people that are coming to America owe Black people nothing and they are not going to be taking care of us with jobs, careers, positions, titles or welfare for the another 100 years, 50 years, 25 years or even 5 years.  They don’t care about our educational background, talents or skills.  They will and must take care of their own people first...and we must do the same for our own people.  You can start the process at www.acdnac.org.


In the 21st Century, Black People Must Build And Develop Or Perish

50.     Either we organize and start building a future for our children now or our children will perish in the 21st Century.  Black men had every conceivable opportunity to build in the last 50 years and to do something for themselves and their children and they did absolutely nothing except retrogress into intellectual backwardness.  Black women have a narrow window of opportunity of 5 years or less to change our direction and create a future for our children, our communities and our people.  For more information on how to move ourselves, our children, our communities and our people forward into the 21st Century and beyond, go to www.acdnac.org.


Black Youths Are The Greatest Casualties Of The Do Nothing Civil Rights Generation

51.     What you have stated is true. Black youths have been the greatest casualties of the "DO NOTHING CIVIL RIGHTS GENERATION".  Black children were auctioned off for cars, status, positions, titles, do nothing Black representatives, government officials and a Black man in the White House that also did nothing and will do nothing for Black people during his administration or after.   The greatest fear of every Black person with a job, career or government check is Whites, Orientals, Jews and others will stop doing for Black people.  Guess what?  They will...they have no other options.  All the major ethnic groups and races on the planet are organizing themselves for the 21st Century, except Black Folk.  That’s why a trip to www.acdnac.org should be mandatory.


We Must Make Changes..The Race Card Is No Longer In The Deck

52.     Unless we make changes...and I do mean changes in our attitudes, mindsets, skill levels and knowledge base, we will perish as a race and an ethnic group in America and in Western and Eastern Civilizations. WHY?  The RACE CARD is no longer in the deck.  The 21st Century is will be a period of advanced technology and super science.  A robot does not care who programs it and a scientific experiment does not care who performs it.  Whatever future Black people thought they had is over unless you have a heads up to the 21st Century that can be found at www.acdnac.org.


For Years Black People Have Depended On White People

53.     For years, Black people have depended on White people for everything, while we do little or nothing for ourselves or to organize ourselves to accomplish major goals and objectives. White People cannot afford to do for Black people anymore, they have their own problems and more competition than ever. A Nanny State in the 21st Century is a delusion and an illusion. In order to start planning for the 21st Century that is already here, go to www.acdnac.org.


. Black Men Had 50 Years To Put Plans In Motion And Did Nothing

54.     Either we organize and start building a future for our children now or our children will perish in the 21st Century.  Black men had every conceivable opportunity to build in the last 50 years and to do something for themselves and their children and they did absolutely nothing except retrogress into intellectual backwardness.   Black women have a narrow window of opportunity of 5 years or less to change our direction and create a future for our children, our communities and our people.  For more information on how to move ourselves, our children, our communities and our people forward into the 21st Century and beyond, go to www.acdnac.org.


Don’t You Know All This Is Being Monitored??

55.     DON'T YOU KNOW ALL THIS IS BEING MONITORED??   Black people are using someone else's technology that was designed for them and not for us.  America never was and never will be what you have been taught to believe.  Black people are tolerated. That's it.  By the end of 2016, toleration will end and we have no countering technology to stop anything these people choose to do.  However, we do have a small window of opportunity that is 5 years or less to make significant changes in our attitudes, mindsets, skill levels and knowledge base.  WHY?  Every ethnic group and race is organizing for the 21st Century, except Black Folk. Your best bet, right now, is www.acdnac.org.


Why The 21st Century Will Be Different

56.     The 21st Century will different from all other centuries because the only way to save the planet and the people on it.. is with advanced technology and super science.  Those groups that cannot participate in this undertaking are simply not needed.   The best place for them is out of advanced technology based societies where they can live in a more primitive state.  As I have stated in previous post, all the nationalities and/or people that are coming to America owe Black people nothing and they have no interest in taking care of us with jobs, careers, positions, titles or welfare for the another 100 years, 50 years, 25 years or even 5 years.  They don’t care about our educational background, talents or skills.  They will and must take care of their own people first...and we must do the same. For Black people, the process begins at www.acdnac.org.


What Advanced Technological Society Wants Thugs?

57.     What advanced technological society wants thugs or men in their social order that look like rejects from a sideshow? With their Hotep costumes, sagging pants and baseball caps turned sideways or backwards, many look like thugs. What intelligent group of people wants thugs or to be around thugs or people that look like thugs? Get real!! Millions of Black people can start their journey back to sanity, accountability and get educated about their societal responsibilities at www.acdnac.org.


All The Majority Of Black Men Did In 50 Years Was Retrogress

58.     As I have stated and restated in previous comments, Black men had every conceivable opportunity to build in the last 50 years and to do something for themselves and their children and they did absolutely nothing except retrogress into intellectual backwardness, while men in all the other major races and groups progressed.  As stated in previous comments and posts, Black women have a narrow window of opportunity of 5 years or less to change our direction and create a future for our children, our communities and our people.  For more information on how to move ourselves, our children, our communities and our people forward into the 21st Century and beyond, go to www.acdnac.org.


Your Analysis Comes From The Data That Has Been Collected On The Behavior Of Black People

59.     Your analysis comes from the data that has been collected on the behavior of Black people.  This data is our greatest tool to change behaviors and mindsets.  If studies say we act like crabs in a bucket, then let's counter that by working to uplift each other.  Every negative about us Whites and others have observed, cataloged and written up as a policy statement has a positive counter if we would just use it. The major reason why we have a hard time using this information effectively, is because we take it personally, rather than as a scientific study that deals with millions and not just one or two people.  To reverse years of negativity, requires only a few months of positive counter activity beginning with self and spreading to family and others. Remember: You are awake and alive. The vast majority are still asleep and mentally dead. Therefore, we must be in the resurrection business with electrifying facts and undeniable documentation.  To begin the greatest journey of your life, why not stop by www.acdnac.org.


Many Black People Hide Behind, In and Under The Words Racist & Racism

60.     I know many Black people like to use the words, "RACIST & RACISM", as a convenient tool or crutch to hide behind, hide under or hide in.  However, racist and racism have not been here for years.  What has been here for years and is definitely not going anywhere anytime soon is White Supremacy.  What people are calling racism is White Supremacy. . Racism's modern usage began in 1902, according to the Oxford Dictionary and over time has degenerated into its popular meaning and usage.. The most important thing to remember is this:  Liberal Whites began using the word on a regular basis, not Black people.  I'll let you ponder over the significance of this fact.  While you are pondering, go on over to www.acdnac.org.

Cheap Labor Is On The Way Out & Robots Are On The Way In

61.     Right now in America and throughout Western and Eastern civilizations, the need for Black people's cheap labor is over.  Since the 17th Century, Black people have been tolerated.  When 2016 is over, toleration is over.  We are no longer needed and must take care of ourselves.  Black people need White people and their jobs and technology, White people do not need Black people.  We have no viable technology to offer anyone at this point in time.  We even rely on Whites and others to educate us, while we do little or nothing to educate ourselves in the sciences and technologies.  Being on government welfare programs or subsidy programs is over.  Millions of black people need to understand, cheap labor is on the way out and robots are on the way in.  Even more insights can be found at www.acdnac.org.


Supremacy Is Not Based On Mysticism

62.     I have no idea where Black Folk get all their misguided, ill conceived and uninformed madness. Oriental Supremacy, Jewish Supremacy, Hispanic Supremacy,   White Supremacy and all other forms of Supremacy are not based on mysticism. Rather they are based on understanding and applying the principles that establish, support and maintain civilizations.  Virtually every word out of an individual's mouth, the vast majority of his/her actions, attitudes, mindsets and beliefs and every man made thing he/she touches or uses, hears about, reads about and sees..are the evidence and proof he/she is in a civilized society that is based on laws, methods, procedures, rules, regulations and the intelligent interaction of other minds... just like the ones at www.acdnac.org.


Black Men Must Understand Maintaining A Civilization Is Far More Difficult Than Maintaining A Neighborhood

63.     Black men must understand maintaining a civilization is far more difficult than maintaining a neighborhood. Failure to maintain  the supporting structures of any civilization will cause it to collapse. Now perhaps you will have some understanding why so many White people are clamoring to take America back, Europe back, England back,  etc. The civilization must survive and be maintained in its entirety.  Less developed societies have not mastered any of the guiding principles of a high civilization. They have been surviving at the mercy of nature.  Hence, these societies and their peoples are easily enslaved, exploited, crushed militarily or annihilated, like so many have been throughout history.  Black people in Sahara and Sub-Saharan Africa have not mastered any civilizing principles that are necessary to maintain a modern industrialized, high tech society prior to enslavement, during enslavement and after physical enslavement.  However, all this can change in a heartbeat.  The process begins at www.acdnc.org.


We Do Not Have The Luxury Of Time

64.     We do not have the luxury of time to engage in psychological fantasies, intellectual disassociation or cognitive dissonance. After all... it is written, "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" and "where there is no vision, the people perish."  The evidence of these truths can be found in world history, on the nightly news, in Youtube videos, Twitter Tweets, on Facebook and in other social media comments. The truth, proof and evidence can also be found in your own city, neighborhood, town, village, state, region, nation, in the Caribbean and on the continent of Africa itself.

          Once the average Black person understands "What has happened to us?", "Why it is happening to us?", "How it is happening to us?" and "How to stop it from continuing to happen to us”, then all of us will have something worthwhile to discuss.  If you are serious, and only if you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment, having a Genuine Black Media and changing our condition, position and future in America and on this planet, you will find more information on how to get Black people, worldwide out of the mess we have gotten ourselves into at www.acdnac.org.


The Black Church Is Not Dead

65.  Contrary to popular views, the Black Church is not dead.  In fact ,it is alive and well.  The Black Church is today what it has always been.... an escape route for Black people where the gatekeepers are the pastors, the deacon board and the board of trustees.   Everyone that comes to ESCAPE  in a Black Church MUST PAY.  This ESCAPE FOR PAY, came into existence because Black people have consistently failed to understand the source of Supremacy and have been under White Supremacy, Oriental Supremacy, Muslim Supremacy, Jewish Supremacy and many others since 750 A.D. (See the Muslim/Arab Slave Trade).  Naturally all this can end or be modified considerably by going to www.acdnac.org.

Understanding The Pillars Of Civilization

66.      Anyone that examines history from a scientific point of view, rather than with the mindset of any other discipline, will clearly see the similarities all civilizations have in common on a macro scale. For example:   If you are a businessman or woman, banker, trader, investor, stock broker, own or are in a corporation, stockholder, store clerk, bank teller, salesman etc. and your economic system is Socialism, Communism, Fascism , Mercantilism, Capitalism or any combination thereof, you are in PILLAR #1.  If you are a scientist, engineer, inventor, researcher, graphic designer, plumber, welder, etc., or if you use a science, methodology  or technology in any shape or form to build, create or invent, or use the science of Psychology, you are in PILLAR #2.

          The largest population groups are in PILLAR #3.  If you are a teacher, government  employee or official, clergy, Church member, in a secret society, preacher, college professor, judge or police officer, FBI Agent, CIA, NSA, MI5, student in school, college, worker, citizen, housewife or in any related field or activity, etc., you are in PILLAR #3;  and if you are in the armed forces, weapons design etc. you are in PILLAR #4.  Since modern day Black people have not built or maintained a major civilization since Egypt, we have no knowledge of how civilizations are built and maintained. Failure to maintain a civilization will cause it to collapse.  There is no historical evidence Black people in Sahara and Sub-Sahara Africa built any major civilization and there is plenty of evidence another civilization built the great pyramids at Giza.  However, you can begin to change our history by visiting www.acdnac.org.


Enslavement Or Colonization Is The Aftermath Or Consequences Of Failure

67.     Slavery is an aftermath or the consequences of a people’s failure to engage in, study, utilize or implement any one of the founding principles of a developing society. Mastery of the principles of a civilized society leads to Supremacy over others that have failed to master them.  Oriental Supremacy, Jewish Supremacy, Hispanic Supremacy, Muslim Supremacy, Christian Supremacy, White Supremacy and all other forms of Supremacy are based practical application of methodologies not sitting in a church, temple or communing with nature.  Nature must do what nature was designed and intended to do.  The same is true for www.acdnac.org.


Contrary To A New Urban Myth, The Bible Is Not The History Of Black People

68.     The Bible is not the history of Black people.  The Bible is a collection of the reality systems that encompassed all the groups in a specific area and timeline.  Black people are grasping at and clinging to anything that can give us value because we are at the bottom of all civilizations.  Our slavery or enslavement by others is an aftermath and the consequences that will befall any group of a people that fail to engage in.. or study, utilize, implement or master the tenets of a successful civilization.  The vast majority have no knowledge or concept as to what it takes to maintain a civilized society.  American Blacks cannot even maintain a neighborhood.  Therefore, maintaining a civilization and everything in it, is out of the question.  However, the right education will end this ignorance for many.  The process begins at www.acdnac.org


No...Black People Are Not Cursed

69.      No...Black people are not cursed.  White people are not Lepers and the Bible is not the history of Black people.  The Bible is a collection of the reality systems that encompassed all the groups in a specific area and timeline.   Black people are grasping at and clinging to anything that can give us value because we are at the bottom of all civilizations.  Our slavery or enslavement by others is a consequence and an aftermath that will befall any group of a people that fail to engage in..or study, utilize, implement or master the principles of civilization.  The same will befall us again, if we fail to build in the 21st Century.  Therefore, run, don’t walk, to www.acdnac.org.


There Are More Important Matters For Black Women To Think About

70.     There are more important matters for Black women to think about.   Our people are being decimated, our children destroyed and our communities collapsing.  Black men have failed; worldwide, for over 150 years after slavery to organize themselves into an overt or covert group to secure a future for our children.  Therefore, since you and millions of Black women have not been as psychologically regimented as the majority of Black men, the future of our entire race in your hands.  Black women are not alone in this undertaking to save a race from a future that is very dim.  There are a few good men still standing in Intelligent Black Society.  No, you are not going to find them in local government offices, in congress, entertainment, in corporate America, in the civil service, prisons or in the Black church.  They are waiting for you at www.acdnac.org


Start Organizing Ourselves By Whatever Means Necessary

71.     Excellent comment.  Those of us that are awake and can speak without profanity need to start organizing ourselves by whatever means that is necessary.  You can start the process at www.acdnac.org. 


You Are Right! We Need To Accept Some Unpleasant Truths

72.     You are right.  We not only need to think, we need to accept some unpleasant truths and facts about America and our future in it.  Whatever you do in 2017 and in the years to come -- SAVE YOUR MONEY! AND ORGANIZE YOUR MONEY -- We have been tolerated since our enslavement and when 2016 ends, toleration will also end. Study our history in America from 1866 and the living hell that followed.   Those who do not remember their history are condemned to repeat it.   A new course for our history and future is waiting for millions at www.acdnac.org.


Don’t Stop Speaking The Truth Brother

73.     DON'T STOP SPEAKING THE TRUTH BROTHER. Black youths have been the greatest casualty of the "DO NOTHING CIVIL RIGHTS GENERATION". Black children were auctioned off for cars, status, positions, titles, do nothing Black representatives, government officials and a Black man in the White House that also did nothing and will do nothing for Black people during or after his administration.  The greatest fear of every Black person with a job, career or government check is Whites, Orientals, Jews and others will stop doing for Black people.  Guess what?  They will...they have no other option.   This is why your visit to www.acdnac.org, is mandatory, not optional.



It Might Not Be Our Fault We Are Programmed & Conditioned, It Is Our Fault If We Stay That Way

  74.  It might not be our fault we are programmed and conditioned; however, it is our fault if we stay that way.  The biggest fallacy and myth circulating in the Black community is that Black folk somehow made White Folk rich.  Nothing is farther from reality or truth.  Whites, Orientals and others are rich because as a group, they organized themselves to master industrialization, sciences, the social order, banking, trade, commerce, and technologies to produce practically everything we need to survive in an advanced technology based society.  Go over to www.acdnac.org, so you can learn how to do the same.


Black Folk On Plantations Had Nothing To Do With Banking, Finance, Industrialization Or America’s Technological Development

75.     Black folk, on plantations were and still are cheap labor.  Black folk had nothing to do with banking, trade, capitalization, finance and commerce.  Black people on plantations had nothing to do with America’s technological innovations or development or the development of pipe fitting, plumbing, waste management, aeronautical engineering, ship building or negotiating trade agreements. Black people on plantations had nothing to do with scientific development, militarization or developing and improving weapons technology.  Black people then and now had nothing to do with product development, manufacturing, mechanization, distribution, the means of production or the practical application of the sciences.

          This is the source of America's power and wealth.   If America, got rid of every Black person tomorrow, America would still be one of the richest and one of the most powerful nations on the planet.  In fact, America would be richer and more prosperous.  Black people have basically and literally been on welfare for over 50 years.  Imagine how much wealth that would return to the treasury?  No.. the facts relative to this discussion are these:  Black people need White people for jobs, careers, sustenance and technological access.  Whites, Orientals and others do not need Black people for anything.  Robotic technology and advance computerized manufacturing have replace the need for cheap labor, except on the farms and the Latinos have taken that over.  One of the few resources Black people can use for wealth acquisition can be found at www.acdnac.org.


The Greatest Fear Every Black Person Has And It Is Not Hell’s Fire

76.     The greatest fear every Black person has is not hell’s fire.  It is losing a job, career or government check.  The second greatest fear is Whites, Orientals, Jews and others will stop doing for Black people.  Guess what?  They will...They have no other option.  Unless Black people make changes...and I do mean serious changes in our attitudes, mindsets, skill levels and knowledge base, we have no future as a race or ethnic group in America and in Western and Eastern Civilizations in the 21st Century.  WHY?   As I have stated in numerous post in the comment sections on Youtube, all the nationalities and/or people that are coming to America owe Black people nothing and they have no interest in taking care of us with jobs, careers, positions, titles or welfare for  another 100 years, 50 years, 25 years or even 5 years.

          They don’t care about our educational background, talents or skills. They will and must take care of their own people first...and we must do the same.  WHY MUST CHANGES BE MADE  NOW?  ANSWER:   Changes must be made now because, Europe is weaker, America is weaker, South America, Canada and Mexico are weaker and Russia is stronger.  The Middle East and Africa were always weak. China and other Orientals are advancing technology at alarming rates and in 20 years or less will surpass America and every other nation on this earth.  Whites and others have no choice. The Browner America gets the weaker it gets.  WHY?  because the vast majority are feeders and not contributors. For more information on how to move ourselves, our children, our communities and our people forward into the 21st Century and beyond, go to www.acdnac.org.


Mentellect... It Is Virtually Impossible To Create A Separate System In Another Race’s Country

77.     Mentellect...It is virtually impossible to create a separate system in another race's country, when you have no viable technology or workable systems.   People of color, worldwide, from the continent called Africa are in serious straits.  Since 750 A.D., the people from this part of the world have been enslaved by others.  Therefore, practicality has its virtues. Whether someone chooses to call himself/herself African, African American, Negro, or Black has nothing to do with mindset.  Mindset can be a convenient camouflage when you must deal and communicate with millions of others whose only commonality is a terminology.  As it is written; "When in Rome..act, think and talk like Romans or you will be discovered."

          Therefore, regardless of who created the terminology, Black, African, Negro or African American, it is useful as a communication tool. especially since, we did not create the English language in which we write and speak.  The first reality one must face is how to educate when all you know is what you have read, heard or been taught?  The second reality you must accept is how do you communicate effectively when the only terms and technological systems you have are those that have been developed and created by others. Third, how do you conduct serious research when you have not written or published any scientific books, journals or research papers to validate beliefs? Some things must be done in stages in order to have maximum impact and effect.  Who created the words is a moot argument, because that is all we have to use at present to advance ourselves and any ideology we can use to better ourselves.  This is why it is important to spend some time at www.acdnac.org.


There Are Far More Serious Matters Confronting Us

78.     There are far more serious matters confronting us, than those currently being discussed. Unless we make changes...and I do mean serious changes in our attitudes, mindsets, skill levels and knowledge base, we have no future as a race and an ethnic group in America and in Western and Eastern Civilizations.  WHY?  All the nationalities and/or people that are coming to America owe us nothing and they have no interest in taking care of us with jobs, careers, positions, titles or welfare for another 100 years, 50 years, 25 years or even 5 years.  They don’t care about our educational background, talents or skills or who created the word Negro, Black or African American or African.  They will and must take care of their own people first...and we must do the same.  This is why you must spend some time at www.acdnac.org


Black Folk Have No Options, Except To Change

79.     Brilliant analysis. Now let us take this to the next level. You asked the question why Black people have not progressed as much as others that have come to America?  From a purely analytical point of view, our people do not know any better. After so many years of being at the bottom, survival, not growth and development supersedes the group solidarity that all successful organizational structures have. In fact, I would venture to say, 99% know nothing of organizational structure or protocol. Based on available research data, we can even take it further than this. Group solidarity has been replaced with radical individualism that is powerless to change circumstances on any meaningful scale. In addition, 99% of Black people spend 99% of their free time in trivial pursuits that build absolutely nothing. 

          99% of Black people depend on White people for everything, while we do little or nothing for ourselves or to organize ourselves to accomplish major goals and objectives. Black people that want a Nanny State have supported corrupt and morally bankrupt Democrats for years to the detriment of themselves and an entire nation.  Black folk have no options except to change.  The reason behind this statement is based on current events and the gentrification of every major city in America.  The New Americans owe us nothing and they don’t care about our educational background, talents or skills, whether we are called Negro, Moor, Hebrew Israelite, Muslim, Black, African American, Christian or Hindu.  They will and must take care of their own people first...and we must do the same.  Like it or not...believe it or not.  Perhaps now you will understand the importance of change after going to www.acdnac.org.


There Is A Limit To Group Think & Radical Individuality; As Practiced By Black Americans, Is Destructive

80.     First, let's dispense with some issues. Even though everything you said about the Jews coming together and working together is true, there is a limit to group think. Second, radical individuality as practiced by Black Americans is destructive.  However, conscientious individuality has its place and is needed to inspire people to higher levels intellectuality.  Third, Uncle Tom was a righteous man, not Sambo or Quimbo.  It was not Uncle Tom that sold his people out.  It was Sambo and Quimbo.  In the 1940s Uncle Tom was villianized and Sambo and Quimbo were sanitized as the good Negroes or slaves that do their master’s bidding. This is the same strategy being used today. The good Negroes (Sambo/Samborina and Quimbo/Quimborina) vote for Democrats and the Democrat Party's agenda and do the bidding of their Democrat Party’s masters. Fourth, GOD cannot be and could not have been a human man because physical matter in a 5 dimensional reality cannot create itself. 

          Therefore, GOD must be of an essence that is not physical as we understand physicality and not of this dimension as we understand dimensional reality.  Now to the issues at hand. What you are saying is also true, there is no Black community in the truest sense of the words.  All we really have are neighborhoods.  The first caller is right by advocating leaving GOD(s) out of the equation. The creator(s) has/have already set laws in place and it is up to us to comply with them. The first caller is right again.  Black evolved as a terminology in the 1960s as the antithesis to being called a Negro and as the antithesis to White.  If we are going to battle over linguistics and semantics, then anyone of reasonable intelligence can conclude, you are also supporting White Supremacy by speaking English. Therefore, there are limits to linguistics and semantics.  

          If Black men and women want to change our pitiful status in America and on this planet, we must utilize structures and ideologies that can deliver the desired results. Therefore, the kind of information that is needed to address the issues that are plaguing Black people worldwide (the persistent and historical lack of Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and a Genuine Black Media) is not conducive to tweeting on Twitter or commenting on YouTube or Facebook or on any other social media.  Such an undertaking would be a fool’s errand.   Real knowledge, skills and abilities are required along with intelligent private discussions of the most serious kind.  Therefore, if you are serious about Genuine Black Economic Empowerment and changing our condition, position and future in America and on this planet, go to www.acdnac.org.    


Note:  Until the rmaining unpublished chapters are added to this site, you can read them by clicking on Google Docs.